とくじろう Tokuyiro
Musician, Videographer
There are few groups that carry on the traditions of the Ganga tribes, which accounted for 10% to 15% of the total number of slaves in the Midwestern part of Cuba in the 19th century, and there is very little literature written about the Ganga tribes. Therefore, it seems that there are still many parts that have not been clarified.
There are few sources about them, and it is still unclear where in Africa they were brought from and what language they spoke.
However, from a linguistic point of view, it is believed that it belonged to one of three major language groups.
1) Benue-Congo languages 2) Mande languages 3) West Atlantic languages
Although the theory suggesting 1) does not geographically specify its source, the Benue-Congo languages generally include languages spoken throughout Africa south of Cameroon.
2) is the theory that it may be derived from Sierra Leone and Liberia, and the territory of the Wangala tribe in the present Republic of Mali.
* The Wangara tribe is a branch of the Soninke tribe and belongs to the Mande language group.
The theory of 3) also has its roots in Sierra Leone and Liberia.
In addition to these theories, there are also theories that different tribes belonging to different language groups may have their roots.
In addition, the Ganga tribes brought to Cuba depend on their sources, etc.
Ganga-longowá (longobá)
Was called.
According to an article by Cuban journalist Israel Morinel, it is clear that Ariello, Frees, Philes, etc. come from Senegambia, but Manny, Kishi, and Longova may come from Congolese territory. ..
The tribes, which are said to be derived from the Congolese territory, may have settled in the Bantu region during the process of various ethnic migrations that took place by the mid-17th century.
As mentioned above, the Ganga tribe is divided into many tribes, but it seems that conflicts between the tribes were often seen, and the Ganga tribe did not form a politically and culturally cohesive society, and therefore one. The physical strength of the culture is weak, and in the new continent, it may have disappeared assimilated into other cultures with the passage of time.
Ganga in Cuba
As mentioned at the beginning, no group was known to carry on the traditions of the Ganga tribes, and even among researchers it seemed that their traditions in Cuba had died out.
However, a 1983 survey revealed that the descendants of the Ganga Longova tribe still carry on their culture in the town of Perico, about 80 kilometers southeast of Matanzas. ..
They have a maternal society, with external features such as lines drawn on the face, metal ring piercings on the ears, two lines drawn on the right arm, and teeth.
Faith (of Ganga Longova)
Their existence may not have been known for a long time because their beliefs were oral traditions and were only carried out by relatives and those close to them in a closed world.
The families that still carry on that tradition include those with the following surnames:
Les Cayes
Figueroa or Lauzán
In addition, women are in charge of their ritual called Bron, and there are traces of indigenous culture that has been passed down from generation to generation in their beliefs.
There are similarities between their gods and the gods of Jorba, and their rituals also have utas and dances to each god, made of avocado trees with cowbells on both sides, like bats. It is performed with four drums and a cowbell.
However, it is also true that important things have been lost from their traditions due to the influence of Santeria and others.
・Tribal fortune-telling and prophecy that has been handed down from ancient times (currently Santeria's is used)
・ Change the name of the gods
・ Forgetting of rituals and arrangements related to faith
Greatly influenced by Santeria, they also worship the Creator and the only god of the Supreme Being, Orodumare, a god with the same name as Santeria. Also, the doctrine seems to be similar, and there are Orofi, which corresponds to Jesus Christ, and Ororun, which corresponds to the spirits, in Santeria.
The motivations for practicing this religion among the people whom Israel Morinel met during the investigation include:
Men's health reasons, family traditions, mental growth, material fulfillment
・ Women's health reasons, family traditions, romantic relationships
Similar to Santeria, prophecies using shells, necromancy, and prayers are performed in communication with God, and animal sacrifices are also offered in their beliefs.
Saint correspondence table for each faith
Saints of Ganga Longova → Saints of Yoruba → Saints of Christianity
Guewá (Gueguá) → Elegua → S. Antonio
It controls the beginning and end of the ritual and is the master of all roads.
The location on the altar is behind the entrance door.
Guewá (Gueguá) is red and black in color and has a hat (Sombrero de guano) woven from palm leaves and a wand.
Noú → Oggún → Pedro
Those who control all metals
Yeyé → Ochún → Virgen de La Caridad del Cobre
Yeyé is yellow in color and is characterized by the use of honey.
Yansalire (Oyá) → Oyá → Sta. Teresa
He is not a guardian of the head like Santeria, but has the same unique colors and belongings as Oyá.
La Vieja → Obbatalá → La Merced
Yebbé → Babalú-ayé → San Lázaro
Like Babalú-ayé, she wears a bag of clothes and controls all illnesses, fruits and the earth.
Mamba → Changó → Sta. Bárbara
The one who controls thunder and lightning. The colors are red and white.
Among the names of the saints of Ganga, only the name of Mamba is similar in the existing literature
The mountain Mamba in Sierra Leone is considered a sacred mountain.
Obbe → Yemayá → V.Regla
Dada → Dada → (Not applicable)
See Santo (Saint / God) in Santeria for those not mentioned. Scheduled to be uploaded at a later date (09.05.11)
Impact on rumba
The true rumba dance has its roots in Ganga.
It seems to be taken for granted by the older Cuban Moreno.
However, since only the group of Ganga Longova of Perico is still active, it cannot be statistically proved.
However, as a result of a survey, it seems that there are many similarities between Ganga's dance and music and rumba in terms of dance and music.
But again, the survey concludes:
"In Rumba, which is believed to have been born in the 19th century, the musical influence of the Ganga tribe can be seen not a little, but only because the Ganga tribe was numerically dominant in the 19th century, and Rumba is of African origin. It is a kind of new music born in Cuba, which is a mixture of cultures of various tribes, not derived from any of the tribes. 』\
Regarding the origin of rumba, I would like to recapitulate what it has in common with the Ganga tribe.
Presentación Los Ganga en Cuba (Spanish)